Three Card Mulligan

Black Jack Mulligan

The game Three Card Mulligan is a type of poker (three card) wherein a player is allowed to trade his first card hand if he decides to. In this game, a single deck of fifty two cards is used with the poker ranking hand following: straight flush, three of a kind, straight, flush, pair, and ace high and less. In essentials, the three card mulligan is the same as the three card poker game but you are allowed to change the cards you were dealt with if you don't like it. If you don't like the first card hand you were dealt with, you may deal another one and the dealer will then show you the cards he have and set his hands according to the house way. If the dealer reveals his card hand, and his hand is fewer than a queen-high, then he will show his dealer mulligan hand for which the dealer will always qualify.

As a popular card game online, there are a few sites available online showing new players how to play the three card mulligan. Like the three card poker game on which the game is based, the player is required to make an ante bet and bet on a pair plus spot. After placing wagers, the players and the dealer will get a set of three cards. On this occasion, the players may either keep or change their cards. In order to change their card hand, players must pay the same amount of their ante wager and get a new set of card hand. In three card mulligan, if the player has a winning wager, then the option for using the mulligan card is not required. It is important to note that playing three card mulligan is a bit more costly than playing a game of standard three card poker. There are a few sites showing how to play the game, such as